Our Process

An Expert Link Building Process

Select Clients

As a trusted marketing agency,
we have built backlinks for some of the most well-recognized brands in the world.

Our Process

Because link building can be a double-edged sword, we take a very disciplined approach in how we source and place links for our clients.

Where you start in the various link building phases, depends on what you site needs, how mature it is, its industry, what your current backlink profile looks like and how it compares to others in your space.

In fact, immediately building links indiscriminately may prove more detrimental than helpful.

That is why we start each engagement with a basic site and backlink audit.


Start Phase 

Months 1 to 6 After your backlink audit, we focus on easy quick wins for rapid ROI against low-competing keywords.


Grow Phase

Months 7-12 Expand site keyword position rankings from long-tail searches to vanity stem terms with greater search volume


Defend Phase

Months 13-24 Maintain the ground you've won by continuing to build out links for relevant phrases, ensuring you block out the competition from future encroachment.

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At Link.Build, we have been building links since 2010 and are proud to be one of the leading link building companies in the industry. Our experience has enabled us to develop a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to create successful link building strategies that can increase your website’s visibility and organic search engine rankings.

Through our white label link building program, we have worked with over 1K other agencies to build links for our clients. If you have hired another link building outreach service, there is a high likelihood that you have probably worked with us behind the scenes. 

Agencies and enterprise companies alike come to us when they desire both quality and quantity in their link building campaigns. We can scale to nearly any sized link building budget. Test us and see! 

How Link Building Helps SEO

SEO is the process of making your website look good to a search engine like Google. You can do this by adding good content, making sure your website works well on different devices, and getting other websites to link to your website. When other websites link to yours, it tells Google that your website is worth looking at and may rank it higher in the search results.

When you do it right, link building outreach can be a huge boon to your business.

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