Why Link Relevance Matters in SEO

Most website owners understand it’s important to build links for optimum SEO results. However, you can’t just swap links with any old site anymore and get the results you want. Link relevance is incredibly relevant to SEO success. This guide will explain what link relevance is and why it matters for your site SEO. What […]

What is Link Rot & How to Fix it?

We love links around here. Can’t you tell? So we don’t take too kindly to instances where external factors come into play and compromise the integrity of link building efforts. And if there’s one thing that has the ability to turn hard-earned backlinks into mush, it’s link rot. Link rot is the enemy of link […]

Duplicate Content Can Hurt Your Rankings. Do This Instead.

Duplicate Content Can Hurt Your Rankings. Do This Instead.

As an enterprising content producer, you undoubtedly recognize that crafting innovative, unparalleled content is crucial to forging your digital imprint and enticing your audience. Nevertheless, generating novel concepts and content consistently can prove arduous, and rehashing or refashioning pre-existing content might seem like a compelling prospect. While this approach can be an efficacious strategy in […]

How Much Time Does Link Building Need To Be Effective?

Link building is an essential component of any SEO strategy; links are what a search engine uses to evaluate the authority of any given site. The simplified version is that links pass a finite amount of “authority” (based on the authority of the hosting site), which can cumulatively improve your site’s authority and increase the likelihood […]

Is “Local Link Building” Different From “Link Building?”

SEO feels like a game of words at times. It seems that winning the “link building” battle is about sharing top-notch local content and getting people to link it for its quality rather than manually build links. The same goes for “technical SEO”- you might not need as much technical know-how as you’d think. Similarly, […]

10 Steps to SEO-Optimizing Your Blog Articles

SEO copywriting is, essentially, writing copy that resonates with users, moving them to share and link to your content, and be moved to take action. In this article, we’ll explore the elements that makes online copy SEO-optimized. 1. Perform Keyword Research Use keyword research tools to help you find keywords that have 1) low competition […]

7 Barriers Preventing Your Agency From Doing Effective Link Building

SEO agencies serve a wide range of needs, from the major corporation that needs to outsource some of the work that its in-house team can’t handle, to the fresh entrepreneur who doesn’t know the first thing about SEO and needs some seasoned guidance. Unfortunately, even talented agencies with years of experience sometimes struggle to attract […]

Comparing Brand Mentions to Backlinks for SEO

Living in this digital era, it’s clear just how valuable SEO is. It can make or break your online business success. Why so? Well, the higher a site ranks on Google, the more organic traffic flowing to it. What do these mysterious algorithms look for though? The answers are much prized by any website owner […]

What Is the Actual Value of Link Building?

Few Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies are as discussed or debated as much as link building, and for a few good reasons. Despite some claims to the contrary, link building remains an integral part of SEO—so it’s always relevant in discussion. Thanks to Google’s Penguin update (and subsequent updates), the process of link building in […]